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Acino cuts assessment time by days using software-based alarming

Acino, a leading Swiss provider of advanced drug delivery technologies for more than 20 therapeutic areas, has always placed great emphasis on strict compliance with GMP and GDP regulations. Until recently, monitoring stability budgets and the tracking of deviations was laborious and time-consuming, generated considerable manual effort and required intensive collaboration between quality assurance and distribution partners. With numerous internal and external stakeholders, Acino was looking for a solution with one central goal: digitizing data for seamless accessibility and full visibility.

In this case study, you will learn how:

  • Acino implements a uniform GDP-compliant temperature monitoring system with a central, cloud database for analysis and trending;

  • Acino reduces processing times for temperature deviations from an average of three days to under 15 minutes, streamline global collaborations irrespective of time zones, and freed up resources for critical tasks through efficient digitization and automation;

  • This pilot project can contribute to software-based alarming becoming a proven, validated standard software configuration in liberoMANAGER in the future.